Catalog No.: V-0002 Chemetrics
The V-0002 Verification Kit allows an analyst to quickly and routinely check the performance of CHEMetrics® V-2000 Photometer. Ideal for instrument verification in the lab or in the field, the V-2000 Verification Kit is packaged in a compact, durable polypropylene carrying case.
The kit includes a set of ampoules containing dye solutions that are specific to each of the four LED wavelengths in the V-2000 Photometer.
V-2000 Verification Kit Chemetrics
A spectrophotometer that is certified using NIST traceable optical standards has been used to verify that each ampoule in the kit performs within the established acceptance criteria.
A Certificate of Conformance is supplied with each kit that reports the permissable test value for each standard in the kit. Contact technical@chemetrics. for details.
Shelf life: 6 months.
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